Sounds and Symbols - Using Instruments

Let's start the year by looking at sounds and symbols, first using our voice and then looking at some musical instruments. We will use a resource called The Front Door to help us.

What does a "t" sound like?
What sound does a pig make?
Let's go to The Front Door and see if we can make the sounds of each of the symbols. Before we listen to any sounds we will first try to make the sounds of the doorbells with our voices! We will then play a listening game by listening to the symbols in a sequence.

Now let's try to use these sounds and symbols in a performance for the whole class. We will divide the class into four colour groups and we will ask volunteers to come up to the whiteboard and point to different symbols. Each group must then make their sound!
Let's go to The Front Door resource and play the "conductor at the whiteboard" game.
There are many ways of playing this game, see if you can come up with different ideas to make it more challenging.

Do we move quickly or slowly between the symbols?
Do we want to make the sounds loud or quiet?

The voice is great for making all these sounds, but can different instruments do the same?
Now let's learn about four new instruments and see how they work in the videos below. There will be a short quiz afterwards so listen carefully!

Let's listen to these instruments in The Front Door resource. Can you identify the instruments and spot the sequences?