Arts Workshop
About The Author
dabbledoo is an independant Irish company dedicated to providing primary schools with the resources, training and support to deliver the music, drama and visual art curricula. We are a team of educators, artists, musicians and designers with a passion for arts education and its potential to enrich the lives of children. Our weekly lessons provide a full school approach to the music, drama and art curricula with clear progressions from year to year covering all curriculum strands. We have developed our content with the help of teachers and schools across Ireland to make sure our resources are relevant and engaging for all teachers and students, regardless of their musical background. Each lesson is designed to have the class singing, moving, creating and performing at every opportunity and to give every teacher the confidence and support to bring the arts to their classroom.
Content Overview
StartSample of Teachers' Manual - Junior Infants
StartSample of Monthly Planning Content - September Junior Infants
StartExplore other Cultures/Themes - Sample lesson (Fourth Class: Chinese New Year)
StartFrozen Images - Sample Lesson (Junior Infants: A Day in my Life) (5:15)
StartThe Randomiser - Sample Lesson (Sixth Class - Improvisation) (0:47)
StartWellbeing - Sample Lesson (Senior Infants - Wellbeing - Movement) (7:52)
StartChinese New Year Party - Script
StartSample Warm Up - It's not a heart
StartPlanning Content - Sample (Junior Infants: September)
StartTeacher's Manual - Sample (Third Class: September)
StartMaterials List - Sample (Fifth Class: September)
StartArtist Profile - Sample Lesson (Fifth Class: Keith Haring)
StartInstruction Video - Sample Lesson (First Class: Paper Weaving) (4:40)