Compose with Symbols

Before we start to compose let's try the listening exercise again. We can press the doorbells and guess the instrument!

Now that we have become comfortable with recognising the sound to symbol connection, we can have some fun with the arrangement and performance.
You can use vocal sounds or even try body percussion such as clapping, clicking or stomping.
Let's get a volunteer from each group to go to the board and choose a symbol for their group. Click on the symbol, then click on the coloured box for your group.

Explore different ways to perform this sequence: loud, soft, fast, slow.
Perform the sounds from left to right or get one person to point to the sounds and the others to perform like we did last week.
We can now make up our own symbols using the worksheet below. You can use symbols we have seen on The Front Door or create new symbols and sounds that we can make with our voices or with instruments.