Sing Along

"Hill and Gully Rider" is a Jamaican folk song from the 19th Century written about the local fishermen who would risk their lives trying to catch whales. The "hill and gully" part is talking about the waves going up and down. The lyrics also suggest dance moves. Can you make up a dance to go with the song?
First, let's listen to the song, sung by Susan and Shane - look out for the repeated sections of lyrics. Try to learn the lyrics as you go!
Hill and Gully Rider
(Hill and Gully)
Hill and Gully Rider
(Hill and Gully)
And you bend down, low down
(Hill and Gully)
And I'm low down to the ground
(Hill and Gully)
And I go down to the ground
(Hill and Gully)
And then you dance right round now
(Hill and Gully)
And you better mind, you tumble down
(Hill and Gully)

Divide the class into four colour groups. Each colour group will sing the "hill and gully" response, by following the colours on screen.
You could also add instruments or hand claps along with the "hill and gully" parts.

Now that we have learned the lyrics and are happy with the instrumental parts let's try singing the full song with the backing track. We can divide the class into two sections, one singing the main part and the other singing the "hill and gully" response - use instruments if you have them!
Before we sing let's warm up our bodies and voices for singing with Julie:
Now let's sing along with Susan and Shane and then try singing along with just the backing track. After that, we can add the instruments again!